Edificio Porta dell'Innovazione - Piano 2 - via della Libertà 12 - 30175 Venezia Marghera (VE), Italy
Prof. Andrea Critto. Ph.D. in Environmental Science. He is Senior Scientist at the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC), Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies Division. And Full Professor at Dept. of Environmental Sciences Informatics and Statistics, University Ca’ Foscari of Venice, where he teaches Environmental Risk Assessment and Climate Change Impact Assessment. His research activities include also the development of Decision Support System for Climate Change Risk Management. Longstanding member of SETAC Europe, EGU, MEDCOAST and SISC (Italian Society for Climate Science). He has been a foreign expert confirmed by the State Administration of Foreign Expert Affair of the People’s Republic of China. He has more than 120 scientific publications in international refereed journals.
- A machine learning approach to evaluate coastal risks related to extreme weather events in the veneto region (Italy)
- Pluvial flood risk assessment for 2021‐–2050 under climate change scenarios in the Metropolitan City of Venice
- Bayesian Network Analysis for Shoreline Dynamics, Coastal Water Quality, and Their Related Risks in the Venice Littoral Zone, Italy
- Multi-scenario analysis in the Apulia shoreline: A multi-tiers analytical framework for the combined evaluation and management of coastal erosion and water quality risks
- Multi-model chain for climate change scenario analysis to support coastal erosion and water quality risk management for the Metropolitan city of Venice
- Sensitivity analysis for a participatory approach to enhance the climate resilience of Venice, Italy
- Venice lagoon chlorophyll-a evaluation under climate change conditions: A hybrid water quality machine learning and biogeochemical-based framework
- Spatio-temporal cross-validation to predict pluvial flood events in the Metropolitan City of Venice
- Extensive study of recurrent neural network architectures with a multivariate approach for water quality assessment in complex coastal lagoon environments: A case study on the Venice Lagoon
- Ecosystem services at risk in Italy from coastal inundation under extreme sea level scenarios up to 2050: a spatially resolved approach supporting climate change adaptation