INTACT – On the Impact of Extreme Weather on Critical Infrastructures

The INTACT project responds to the request of the European Commission for a better understanding, on a regional basis, of the extreme risks to which they are subjected critical infrastructure due to extreme weather events caused by climate change using observed and simulated data.

3 years from 01/05/2014 to 30/04/2017
Funded by
  • European Commission - FP7

Coordinating organization
  • TNO - Nederlandse Organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelik Onderzoek

CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Project manager
CMCC Institutes

CMCC Divisions

General aims

The general aims of the INTACT project are the following:

  • assess regionally differentiated risk throughout Europe associated with extreme weather;
  • identify and classify on a Europe wide basis CI (critical infrastructures) and to assess the resilience of such CI (critical infrastructures) to the impact of EWE (Extreme Weather Events);
  • raise awareness of decision-makers and CI operators about the challenges (current and future) EW (Extreme Weather) conditions may pose to their CI;
  • identify potential measures and technologies to consider and implement, be it for planning, designing and protecting CI or for effectively preparing for crisis response and recovery.


CMCC ISC Division is leader of WP2 “Climate and Extreme Weather” in which the main activities are the following:

  • develop appropriate Extreme Weather Indicators (EWIs)  to characterize extreme events according to definitions and thresholds critical for infrastructures;
  • evaluate present recent trends of EWIs (frequency, intensity, etc.)
  • provide projections of EWIs over the 21st century and provide EW scenarios for case studies, calibrated to the local scale.

Moreover the CMCC ISC Division takes place also to the research activities of WP5 “Case Studies (including technology options)”, in which  investigates the relationship between extreme events and landslides  and then how they can affect the usability of the infrastructure placed directly on the slopes or at their foot. The study aims primarily to quantify the change in the hazard between current and future situation resulting by changes in atmospheric forcing induced by Climate Changes. The selected case-histories concern clayey slopes affected by slow movements and pyroclastic covers affected by flow slides.

Expected results

The INTACT project brings together the community of climatologists, meteorologists, civil protection operators with those of the owners / operators of critical infrastructure and planners in order to develop prevention of major disasters and / or cascading effects

During the second workshop organized in Naples with the Italian stakeholders and within the INTACT project, a report has been produced (in Italian language) entitled: “Progetto FP7 INTACT: workshop con gli esperti di settore”.


The activities are divided into eight Work Packages:

  • WP 1 Framing and Perspectives
  • WP 2 Climate and Extreme Weather
  • WP 3 Vulnerability and Resilience of European Critical Infrastructures
  • WP 4 Risk and Risk Analysis
  • WP 5 Case Studies (including technology options)
  • WP 6 INTACT Reference Guide
  • WP 7 Stakeholder Engagement and Dissemination
  • WP 8 Project Management

  • CMCC - Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change
  • Deltares
  • FAC - Future Analytics Consulting Limited
  • DRAGADOS - Dragados Sa
  • HRW - HR Wallingford Limited
  • PANTEIA - Panteia BV
  • NGI - Stiftelsen Norges Geotekniske Institutt
  • CSIC - Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas
  • UNU-EHS - United Nations University
  • ULSTER - University of Ulster
  • VTT - Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus VTT

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