VALORADA – Validated Local Risk Actionable Data for Adaptation

The EU aims to transforming 150 European regions into sustainable and climate resilient regions by 2030. VALORADA contributes to addressing this challenge by co-developing tested FAIR customizable data-manipulation tools to access available climate datasets and to enable the sharing, community validation and use of locally socioeconomic, demographic and Earth-Observation data. In a rigorous transdisciplinary approach, the respective risks of climate change are analyzed in five demonstrators in Europe with the local actors. Data required for the analysis are compiled from the various already existing repositories (e.g., Climate Data Store) and locally sourced non-climate data catalogues processed by local communities and regions, prototype analysis tools developed in an iterative process, tested by the actors and subsequently improved.

36 months from 01/06/2023 to 31/05/2026
Funded by
  • European Commission – Horizon Europe

Coordinating organization

CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Project manager
CMCC Institutes

CMCC Divisions

General aims

VALORADA wants to empower European regions and cities to steer the upcoming societal transformation towards sustainable and climate-resilient development through their own actions. Therefore, this initiative will enable the integration of diverse datasets that enable merging local knowledge with climate and non-climate datasets by means of co-developed data-manipulation tools and climate data. In essence, VALORADA will increase the use of available climate information in regional and local administrations by co-designing climate-data services that grant “climate-value” to locally-sourced datasets in regions and communities.

CMCC role
CMCC will support the Molise region in the co-development of services providing: 

  • assessment of the risks for the agriculture and livestock sector linked to climatic changes with a main focus on social vulnerability due to the aged population and evaluation of potential adaptation measures (Knowledge transfer and capacity building), 
  • assessment of the risks linked to water level increase and extremes events in the Adriatic coastal zone and
  • assessment of the social vulnerability of the population (the region is characterized by an ageing population and brain drain).

CMCC is involved in the following activities:

  • Contribute to the gap-analysis of existing European relevant information services, aimed at mapping out the current status quo in regional climate risk and impact analyses, and comparing it to the standard desired by stakeholders and decision makers to be able to take appropriate adaptation measures.
  • Contribute to the development of data valorization and contextualization frameworks around socio-economic, demographic and Earth-observation datasets, based on the co-generation of local narratives of adaptation, thus connecting climate science with society’s risk perceptions.
  • Support the testing of the data valorization and contextualization frameworks in the Molise region demonstrator.
  • Support the co-design and development of data manipulation tools in the Molise region demonstrator.
  • Organize stakeholder consultations and training activities in the Molise region demonstrator.

Expected results

  • Comprehensive mapping of data-value chains needed to create value-propositions that link climate risk to local contexts.
  • Facilitated sharing and access of data needed for contextualization of climate risk, among public sector organizations and local stakeholders.
  • Local stakeholders can manipulate different datasets and build useful indicators for measuring climate risks.
  • Data-manipulation tools developed under FAIR principles, compliant with INSPIRE Directive.
  • Facilitated engagement and commitment from user community members in the co-development of data-manipulation tools and climate services.

Climate-KIC Holding BV
European Association of Remote Sensing Companies
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Aerospace Valley
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts
Terra Spatium AE
Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis
Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo Sui Cambiamenti Climatici
Hafencity Universität Hamburg

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