WINDSURFER – WIND and wave Scenarios, Uncertainty and climate Risk assessments for Forestry, Energy and Reinsurance

Extreme winds pose major risks to life, property and forestry, while extreme ocean waves can impact on offshore infrastructures and coastal communities. WINDSURFER is a 3-year project that will bring together eight leading research institutions across Europe to co-develop new methods, tools and assessments of extreme wind and wave risk with a focus on the Insurance, Forestry and Energy sectors.

36 months from 15/09/2017 to 14/09/2020

Coordinating organization
  • Uread - University Of Reading

CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Project manager
CMCC Institutes

CMCC Divisions

General aims

The aim of WINDSURFER is to integrate approaches to assessing extreme wind and wave risks and impacts across European Research Performing Organisations, with a focus on providing localised climate information for the insurance, forestry and energy sectors. This will be achieved by the following objectives:

  1. Develop new methods and tools to better quantify current wind and wave risk and understand how it might change in the future;
  2. Develop impacts studies and new impact models for European windstorms and associated extreme wind and wave damage;
  3. Provide localised climate information with clearly evaluated uncertainties for present and future wind and wave risk for the Insurance, Forestry, and Energy sectors.



  • EC (European ERA4CS Joint Call for Transnational Collaborative Research Projects 2016)


CMCC will perform new historical simulations (1960-2010) with the high resolution CMCC Earth System model (Foglio et al. 2014) with 0.25o resolution in the atmosphere and ocean. CMCC will also perform simulations using the coupled and coupled CMCC regional climate model (Cavicchia et al. 2015) at 0.11o resolution in the atmosphere and 0.0625o in the ocean. These simulations will follow the protocol of MED-CORDEX and contribute to the MED-CORDEX intercomparison. Mediterranean windstorms and extreme winds will be analysed in the MED-CORDEX, HiResMIP and CMIP6 simulations.

Expected results

Post-processed model output (selected variables) made available to other partners. Analysis of high–resolution cilmate simulations aimed at improving the statistical characterization of estreme winds and storm surges in Europe.


Perform regional model simulations for past and future as documented in the Description of Work (WP2 and WP3).

  • MET NORWAY - Norwegian Meteorological Institute
  • FMI - Finnish Meteorological Institute
  • KNMI - Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute

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