Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies

The RAAS division, brings together an interdisciplinary team of economists, environmental scientists/engineers and spatial planners experts in climate risk analysis, adaptation strategies and policies.

The research challenges are:

  • Analysis of the impacts of climate extremes and their societal implications;
  • Performance assessments of nature-based solutions and assessment of their connectivity and side-benefits;
  • Development of policy-oriented composite indicators for sustainable development, DRR and CCA;
  • Development of operational decision support tools (including climate services) and methodologies to assess multi-hazard (cumulative and compound effects, spatially and temporally interlinked or correlated risks) to aid the decision-making process;
  • Evaluation of the interactions between climate and non-climate drivers (e.g. land use and socio-economic scenarios) on the occurrence, distribution and environmental fate of chemicals and the related risks for aquatic ecosystems, human health and safety.
  • Support policy makers (EU, national, regional and local governments) in actuating informed decisions and interventions for disasters management and climate adaptation more rapidly and effectively.

The research priorities embrace three major themes that denote the main research units.

RAAS Projects

RAAS Publications

Application of Machine Learning Models for Short-term Drought Analysis Based on Streamflow Drought Index

Niazkar M., Piraei R.; Zakwan M.
2024, Water Resources Management, doi: 10.1007/s11269-024-03959-w

Risk assessment of national railway infrastructure due to sea-level rise: an application of a methodological framework in Italian coastal railways

Ricciardi G., Ellena M., Barbato G., Alcaras E.; Parente C.; Carcasi G.; Zarelli C.; Franciosi A.; Mercogliano P.
2024, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Volume 196, Issue 9 - Article number 822, doi: 10.1007/s10661-024-12942-2

Reconsidering the impact of environmental, social and governance practices on firm profitability

Agnese P.; Carè R.; Cerciello M.;Taddeo S.
2024, Management Decision, doi: 10.1108/MD-10-2023-1943

Division Director

Jaroslav Mysiak

Division Deputy Director

Silvia Torresan

Division Manager

Clara Beffa


Venice: Edificio Porta dell’Innovazione – Piano 2,
via della Libertà 12 – 30175 Venezia Marghera (VE)

+39 041 2346080

[email protected]

Research Units

Research Unit Leader
Jeremy Pal

This research unit focuses on economic and wider social effects of extreme climate and meteorological events as well as on policy instruments set to reduce societal vulnerability and increase resilience. The unit focuses on purpose-oriented analysis of the impacts of major disaster strikes in Europe and elsewhere, and develop models and model-based information services to estimate current and future economic and social damage and losses caused by extreme weather and climate related events, likely to be amplified by the human-induced climate change.

Research Unit Leader
Silvia Torresan

This research unit analyses the multiple ways through which environment may be impacted as a result of exposure and vulnerability to one or more environmental stressors such as chemicals, land use and climate change. The research priorities include (i) Multi-hazards/risks and impact assessments using quantitative and qualitative methods and tools for assessing combined risks and spill-over effects of climate variability and change; (ii) Modelling climate change impacts on chemicals, ecological and human risks including how climate change influence environmental fate and transport of chemicals; and (iii) Decision support systems and ICT tools engaged in developing state-of-the-art decision support systems (DSS), and information and communication tools (ICT) set to assist decision making by improved access to, and analysis of, information on environment and society.

Research Unit Leader
Veronica Casartelli

This research unit addresses national and international climate adaptation policies and set to inform decision making processes. Research priorities of this subunit include institutional relations and adaptation policies implemented by means of international and national frameworks; and support activities to national governments and European/international bodies such as DG Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection and the European Environmental Agency. Another thematic area represented include policy analysis and assessment, in the context of which we analyse international and national policies related to climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction, including the post-2015 international policy framework on DRR, Loss and Damage international mechanism established under the premises of UNFCCC and multi-sectoral partnerships promoted to aid the least developed and small island developing states.

RAAS Models


    AQUATOX is an aquatic ecosystem simulation model developed by Environmental Protection Agency…

  • SWAT

    SWAT is a hydrologic model, developed by the Agricultural Research Service (ARS)…


    DESYCO is a GIS-based Decision Support System (DSS) aimed at the integrated…

  • Latest News

    The role of river release in the Adriatic Sea

    What is the role of decreasing river runoff in future Adriatic water stratification and sea level rise? A new study, led by CMCC researcher Giorgia Verri, uses a climate downscaling approach to predict the Adriatic water cycle up to 2050 in what is one of the first attempts to provide a comprehensive and high-resolution climate modelling of the basin’s coastal water cycle.

    Machine Learning helps predict the future state of the Mediterranean Sea

    A novel application of machine learning to predict marine heatwaves in the Mediterranean Sea could help predict their impacts on marine ecosystems, fisheries, and coastal communities. New research, led by CMCC, shows how advanced data-driven techniques can enhance oceanographic predictions, potentially offering faster and more efficient forecasting tools compared to dynamical models.

    The IPCC issues two calls for authors

    The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has issued two calls for authors for the upcoming Special Report on Climate Change and Cities and the 2027 Methodology Report on Inventories for Short-lived Climate Forcers. The IPCC Focal Point for Italy invites expressions of interest from Italian-affiliated experts to contribute to the reports production. A webinar for experts in Italy to present the details of the calls will take place on September 6, 2024.

    Sustainable aquaculture: New perspectives for fish farming

    With CMCC’s expertise in high-resolution ocean climate modeling and data assimilation, the fishRISE project developed cutting-edge prototype systems for sustainable onshore and offshore fish farming. These innovations promise to have a significant impact on the aquaculture industry, marking a significant step forward in innovative, sustainable aquaculture.


    Informing and supporting climate policy: the European Topic Centre ETC/CCA


    POPAlp is a database where all the published data on environmental monitoring in the mountain areas in central Europe and Italy are collected.

    The information comes from national and international funded projects and from a review on publications in the period 1999-2012.

    This database collects POPs’ monitoring concentrations in the Alps in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Italy, and Czech Republic and is aimed at exchanging existing data on POPs contamination in the Alps.

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