Media and Outreach

The Communication and Media Office provides support for:

  • interviews with our scientists and experts;
  • information on events, publications, research projects;
  • speakers for events such as conferences, workshops, meetings, festivals, etc.;
  • being included in our media list;
  • questions and information on any other initiative.

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How salty is the Po delta? Machine and deep learning may help find the answer

Salt wedge intrusion events can severely affect and damage estuary ecosystems. Therefore predicting when they will occur is a considerable

Climate risk assessment for the Veneto coastline: Improved evaluation with Machine Learning

An innovative tool is now available for studying the impacts of extreme weather events on coastlines. This can help both

Climate damages are more costly for the poorest. Outcomes from a CMCC study.

The poorest people within countries will suffer the most severe economic impacts of climate change: globally, a 1% increase in

Believe me when I say green!

When policy-makers set high targets but fail to commit to them, they create a cycle of credibility loss and increased

Climate change is affecting child health across 130 countries

Children are particularly vulnerable to the health impacts of climate change. Quantifying these negative effects and pinpointing areas where children

The impact of agriculture on air quality in Lombardy

Although emissions from the agricultural sector, particularly animal farming, impact air quality and public health, they are often ignored in

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