Scientific and technological cooperation. Agreement between the Italian Public Property Agency (Agenzia del Demanio) and Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation (CMCC)

The research project concerns the advancement of knowledge on the effects of climate change on the housing stock to support the development of tools for analyzing and assessing climate impact on public buildings (new and existing). The main goal of this activity is to support the increase in resilience of the Italian public housing stock.

from 21/12/2022 to 21/01/2024
Funded by
  • - Agenzia del Demanio

CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Project manager
CMCC Institutes

CMCC Divisions

General aims

General objectives
Implement the capacity to plan for climate adaptation and resilience of public buildings, including urban, social, and sustainability aspects.

CMCC role
CMCC is involved in: i) analysis and assessment of climate hazards at the provincial scale; ii) identification of the main assessment and certification systems for the built environment at the national and international levels; iii) support for the definition of key performance indicators (KPIs) for assessing the climate change resilience of real estate assets; and iv) support for the drafting of thematic guidelines to increase the climate resilience of real estate assets.

Activity 1: Awareness raising and institutional capacity building. 
1.1 Organization of seminars (physical and virtual) for awareness raising and sharing 
1.2 Institutional capacity building 

Activity 2: Scientific and technical research 
2.1 Analysis of existing national and international best practices
2.2 Definition and assessment of climate and impact analysis (using indicators) at provincial scale and on the 14 metropolitan areas
2.3 Identification of KPIs for improving the resilience of real estate to climate change 
2.4 Drafting a document defining thematic guidelines on design quality to reduce the impact of climate change on new and existing housing stock.

Expected results

  • Definition of quantitative and qualitative indicators for climate hazard assessment
  • Development of guidelines for the analysis and assessment of the real estate on a national scale to increase climate resilience
  • Development of a protocol for certifying the resilience of public buildings based on actions implemented during building design or maintenance phases.

Coordinating organization
Agenzia del Demanio

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