Low-carbon energy finance: new insights for modelers and policy makers

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While many studies analyze the innovation, diffusion, and cost developments of low-carbon energy technologies, little research is dedicated to analyzing the financing dynamics of these technologies. On November 27, 2018, Prof. Tobias Schmidt and Dr. Bjarne Steffen (Energy Politics Group – ETH Zurich) presented recent research results from ETH Zurich’s Energy Politics Group on low carbon energy finance and discussed its implications for modelers as well as policy makers during the CMCC webinar “Low-carbon energy finance – new research results and their implications for modelers and policy makers”.

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More specifically, the webinar highlighted important trends in renewable energy finance, such as the increased importance of non-recourse project finance and its drivers, or the dynamics of financing conditions for Wind and PV projects over the last two decades. The presentation also covered the role of public banks, such as the German KfW, the UK’s Green Investment Bank, in catalyzing private finance for innovative low-carbon energy projects. Finally, new data on the electricity generation financing portfolios of multi-lateral development banks, such as the World Bank, have been presented.

Download the webinar presentation by Prof. Tobias Schmidt and Dr. Bjarne Steffen (Energy Politics Group – ETH Zurich).

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