CPO – Climate Policy Outreach

The overall objective of the project is to improve policy making concerning GHG mitigation, including a better understanding of the potential impact of a development of a global carbon market.

3 years from 01/01/2010 to 01/12/2012
Funded by
  • EuropeAid

Coordinating organization
  • CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

CMCC Scientific Leader
CMCC Project manager
CMCC Institutes

CMCC Divisions

General aims

The project focuses on the interaction between countries when addressing greenhous gas (GHG) mitigation commitments for developed countries and GHG mitigation actions by developping countries. The overall objective is to improve policy making concerning GHG mitigation, including through better understanding of the potential impact of a development of a global carbon market. This will be achieved by:

  • increasing the capacity to develop, maintain and use economics modelling tools to assess mitigation potential, including the use of offset mechanism in developping countries;
  • improving the interactions between modellers from key developed countries and developping countries, leding to an improvement in their respective modeling tools and in the understanding of how to take into account a gradual developping global carbon market;
  • increasing the capacity to use the results of economic modelling tools by policy makers in developping countries.



Two CMCC models (WITCH and ICES) will take part in the modeling comparison. From the CMCC side, available data, knowledge on linking with land use models and modeling offsets, as well as on endogenous technical change will be shared with the rest of the modeling group.

More specifically, CMCC will be responsible for:

  • the coordination of the three work streams and the integration of all activities within the project;
  • supervising different institute’s collaboration in the preparation of:
    • the 3 Reports within Work Stream 1
    • the 4 draft Report on Workshops, including those related to Workshops with Policy Makers
  • the preparation of the Policy Maker Report within Work Stream 3;
  • the web-based repository of results;
  • bringing policy makers to the scene through the organization of the two workshops that will be held in Venice and will include both modellers and policy makers.

Expected results
  • 4 International Modelling Workshops
  • Improved modeling tools, both in developing and developed countries.
  • Meaningful and successful Summary for Policy Makers.

Climate Policy Outreach project Data Base, coordinated by CMCC.

This spreadsheet collects the results of the scenarios run by a set of Intergrated Assessment Models for the Climate Policy Outreach (CPO) project.



The project is structured in three basic work streams which are strictly intertwined. The overarching objective is that of improving autonomous modeling capabilities in developing countries, and of advancing the dialogue among modellers and with policy makers, both in developing and developed countries:

  • Work Stream 1: Improve existing modeling capacity
  • Work Stream 2: Improve Interactions between Modellers
  • Work Stream 3: Improve Policy Preparation


  • CMCC - Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
  • Renmin University of China
  • IIM - Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
  • ISI - Indian Statistical Institute
  • PIK - Potsdam Institut für Klimafolgenforschung
  • TU - Tsinghua University

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