COACCH – CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs

What we do
COACCH – CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs

COACCH (CO-designing the Assessment of Climate CHange costs) is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and carried out by a consortium of 14 European organisations.
COACCH will develop an innovative science-practice and integrated approach to co-design and co-deliver an improved downscaled assessment of the risks and costs of climate change in Europe, working with end users from research, business, investment, and policy making communities throughout the project.

48 months from 01/12/2017 to 30/11/2021

General aims

The final objective of COACCH is to produce an improved downscaled assessment of the risks and costs of climate change in Europe that can be of direct usability and respond to the different needs of end users from the research, business, investment, and the policy making community.

This overall objective is substantiated into five specific goals:

  • To develop technically excellent and innovative research on complex climate change impact chains, using downscaled climate information and advancing integrated assessment methods and models developed under early RTD research calls.
  • To develop a challenge-driven and solutions orientated research and innovation approach, involving stakeholders in the co-design, coproduction and co-dissemination of policy driven research.
  • To significantly advance the knowledge and the evidence base not only on climate tipping elements and tipping points but also on socio-economic tipping points.
  • To advance the economic valuation of climate action (mitigation and adaptation) in the EU at various scales (spatial grids, regions, countries, economic sectors) over short to longer-term timeframes to support a more informed policy process in the achievement of intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) for the EU.
  • To enhance innovation capacity and integration of this new knowledge using co-dissemination of results with business, industrial, public decision makers and research communities, maximising the use of innovative approaches in communication for dissemination, including direct elicitation of end-user needs to shape knowledge outreach and uptake.


CMCC is coordinator of the project and leader of WP6 (Dissemination and Outreach) and of WP7 (Coordination).

Expected results

Besides high-level scientific publications, COACCH’s results will include:

  • Climate Change Impacts & Policy Simulator;
  • Climate Change Impacts & Policy Database;
  • Policy briefs;
  • Synthesis report on climate impacts and policy assessment for Europe;
  • Best-Practice for co-designed research.


COACCH brings Europe’s leading climate change impacts and economic modelling teams together with stakeholders to co-develop methods and analyses in an innovative research practice, policy integration. COACCH adopts a trans-disciplinary perspective, within a consortium of high complementary competences, widened further by the direct participation of public, economic, industrial and research actors.

The project activities are divided into 7 Work packages:

  • WP1- STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT & CO-DELIVER – Objective: to establish the overall co-design, co-production and co-dissemination approach for the project.
  • WP2 – IMPACT CHAINS – Objective: to provide a downscaled analysis of climate impacts, risks and costs for Europe.
  • WP3 – TIPPING POINTS – Objective: to provide an assessment of key climate tipping elements of particular relevance for the EU and to extend the concept of tipping points to socio-economic systems.
  • WP4 – POLICY ASSESSMENT – Objective: to evaluate the implications of the new climate impact insights from WP2 and 3 in terms of policy, and identify mitigation and adaptation options in different sectors for Europe.
  • WP5 – SYNTHESIS – Objective: to synthesize and summarize the major findings produced by COACCH.
  • WP6 – DISSEMINATION AND OUTREACH – Objective: to develop and pursue external project dissemination, exploitation, and communication activities.
  • WP7 – COORDINATION – Objective: ensure a sound coordination and management of the project.

The kick-off meeting of the COACCH project was held at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice on January 18/19, 2018.

  • FEEM - Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
  • PWA - Paul Watkiss Associates ltd
  • IIASA - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis
  • UNI GRAZ - University of Graz
  • VU - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • ECOLOGIC - Ecologic institute
  • CUNI - Charles University Environment Centre
  • PBL - Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
  • BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change - Klima Aldaketa Ikergai
  • CA - Climate Analytics
  • Deltares
  • GCF - Global Climate Forum
  • PIK - Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

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