The most influential climate academics worldwide

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Reuters has published the Hot List, a ranking of the world’s top 1,000 climate scientists according to their influence. Eight CMCC scientists are in the global ranking. Massimo Tavoni, Director of RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment, ranks first in Italy.

Which scientists are having the biggest impact on the climate-change debate worldwide? The Reuters Hot List ranks 1,000 climate academics according to how influential they are.

The list is a combination of three rankings, which are based on how much scientists have published, how often their papers have been cited by other scientists in similar fields of study, and how often those papers have been referenced in the lay press, social media, and other public policy papers.

Eight out of twenty Italian scientists included in the ranking are part of the CMCC Foundation, with Massimo Tavoni, Director of RFF-CMCC European Institute on Economics and the Environment, leading the Italian ranking, followed by Valentina Bosetti, Enrica De Cian, Carlo Carraro, Silvio Gualdi, Antonio Navarra, Francesco Bosello, Simona Masina.

For more information: The Reuters Hot List

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